[3830] K5MDX CQWW CW M/S + comments

Ray Rocker rocker at datasync.com
Tue Dec 1 17:50:06 EST 1998

K5MDX CQWW CW Multi-Single
Ops: WQ5L, W5UE, N5FG
Radios: one FT-1000D + packet
39 hours operated

 Band   Qs   Pts     Cs     Zs    Ant
160CW    0     0      0      0    None
 80CW   41    98     27     13    Carolina Windom @70'
 40CW  456  1209     87     28    2el @90'
 20CW  264   753     82     30    5el @80', 3el Tribander @50'
 15CW  521  1493     99     33    3el Tribander @50'
 10CW  419  1167     80     24    ditto
Total 1701  4720 x (375 + 1280) == 2,374,160 points

It's a good sign when you have zone 26 in the log before the clock 
flips over to 0001. And then zone 23 before 0005. And zone 24 fifteen
minutes later. And then another zone 26 country thirty minutes later.
(all of the above on 20)

40 was just superb Friday evening (local). Unfortunately none of
us were able to operate during the Saturday evening EU run time.
I tried 80 but was disappointed. DX signals just weren't very 
loud here, probably because the MUFs stayed so high all night.
Sunday morning, JAs on 40 were as loud as I've ever heard them,
and no polar warble whatsoever. Run rate wasn't great though.

We had a very nice 20m opening to Europe around 1000Z Saturday
that I don't think many NAm stations noticed, since most of the
spots were still for 40m and below. It cooled off quickly after
1100, however. Overall I just couldn't get much going on 20 even
though it's our best band antenna-wise. Bad timing I guess.

10 and 15...what can I say? The first pass through each band was 
like shooting fish in a barrel. Rate 100/hr or better just S&Ping,
with a low tribander at that.

High point: coming across a loud VU2WAP CQing on 15 meters Sunday
morning before the packeteers found him. First time I've *ever* 
worked VU in a contest.

Wish I would have allocated more time for this one.

-- Ray  WQ5L  rocker at ametro.net

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