Gary Hembree gary.hembree at asu.edu
Tue Dec 1 17:36:54 EST 1998

                   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: N7IR                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator QRP


      160       14       27     1.93      7       7
       80       26       59     2.27     11      13
       40      115      312     2.71     23      45
       20      147      416     2.83     21      54
       15      166      471     2.84     27      58
       10      164      462     2.82     22      52

     Totals    632     1747     2.76    111     229  =>  593,980

All reports sent were 599 3, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
2 TenTec 546C Transceivers running 5 watts each 
20/15/10 meters: Force 12 5BA at 73' and Force 12 C3S at 40' 
40 meters:       Force 12 EF240/230 at 84' and delta loop
80 meters:       delta loop
160 meters:      Shunt-fed 88' top-loaded vertical
486-120 running CT 9.10a

Club Affiliation: Central Arizona DX Association

Personal best in this contest!  Most Q's, Z's and C's!  Felt like I
knew where to be most of the time to maximize the rate (slow as it was)
and find the mults.  Tried two radio S&P but it just made me crazy!   
Echo the sentiments from elsewhere: best all band conditions in my 
experience.  Even 20 meters shaped up on Sunday afternoon with one of 
the best Russian/North Europe openings I've ever worked.  I heard, but
didn't work, a number of VK S&P stations at the same time: awesome!
The low tribander and delta loop were a real asset for the close stuff.

See you in the 160 meter contest this weekend!


Gary, N7IR
DM43bi (aka NW Chandler, AZ USA)  

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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