[3830] VP5M SOABHP results

Victor A. Dubois n4to at ct.net
Wed Dec 9 00:37:52 EST 1998

		  CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  -  -  1998

   CALL: VP5M				Country:   Turks & Caicos
   Mode: CW				Category:  Single Operator
   Zone: 8


   160		 19	   39		   2.05	  6	   13		1/4 SLOPER @ 35'
    80		219	  519		   2.37	 12	   45		SLOPER @ 35'
    40		604	 1498		   2.48 	 20	   67		402-CD @ 18'
    20	      1028	 2456	 	   2.39	 32	   85		A4S @ 40'
    15       1480     3767		   2.55	 31	   83		A4S @ 40'
    10	      1293     3344		   2.59	 26	   86		A4S @ 40'
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Totals		4643	11623		   2.50	127	  379 =>    5,881,238

All reports sent were 599, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:  IC-706MKII & TL922

COMMENTS:  Had a great time. This old goat only managed 38 hours of
operation which included some equipment problem time. The QTH is beautiful
and the beaches fantastic. Band conditions were great but I lacked the
antennas to take full advantage of the conditions. Next year I'll be better
prepared and hope that the conditions are as good.

Club Affiliation:  Florida Contest Group (FCG)

This is to ceertify that in this contest I have operated my transmitter
within the
limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and regulations
of the contest.

					Signature _______________________


			Victor A. Dubois   VP5M  & N4TO
			1400 Jacquelyn Avenue
			Sebring, FL  33872-9512

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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