[3830] N5KB 160 CW LP summary

michael d. ihry mihry at argontech.net
Wed Dec 9 18:40:25 EST 1998

                             ARRL 160 METER CONTEST

     Call used: N5KB                                           Location:

     Category: Single Op Assisted         Mode: CW              Power:

     Callsign of Operator: N5KB

     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:

     Exchanged Information: N5KB RST TX

     Hours of Operation: 7:41

     band      QSOs     points
     160         54        108
     TOTAL       54        108   X   31 multipliers  =  3,348

     Club or Team Name: ntcc

     Comments:  Part time. Good contest

     I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to
     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of
     ARRL Awards Committee.

     Date_________ Signature_____________________________

     Name: michael d. ihry                 Call: N5KB
           2660 cr 2296

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