[3830] K4RO ARRL 10m SOHP MIxed

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Mon Dec 14 00:58:41 EST 1998

 ARRL 10 SUMMARY SHEET  Contest Dates : 12-Dec-98, 13-Dec-98
 Station Used : K4RO    Operator : K4RO    Category : SO HP MIXED MODE

 Default Exchange : RS(T) TN               Team/Club : TN CONTEST GROUP

 IC-765  AL-811 @ 400W out max.  PRO57A at 60' & 100', bottom fixed
 (stuck) west.  One radio (a relief and a joy.)  TR-Log 6.32.

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   10CW      842         818       3280      55        53 
   10SSB     824         797       1594      49        38 

 Totals     1666        1615       4874     104        91 

    Final Score = 950,430 points.

 My second time in this contest.  What a difference a year makes!
 More than doubled last year's score, and made a personal high QSO
 total (in any contest.)  Super EU opening Saturday , and a nice
 JA opening at the end of the contest.  What a great band, and what a
 great contest.  Worked K3ZO with Fred beaming east as I was beaming
 west.  I could easily hear Fred's CW signals all the way around the 
 globe, with tremendous echo.  That was something else.  See you next
 year, and thanks again for the QSOs.  73

-Kirk  K4RO

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