[3830] K6AW ARRL 10M SOHP CW Only
Stephen Merchant
merchant at garlic.com
Mon Dec 14 11:38:04 EST 1998
I had originally planned to try this in mixed mode but the cold I've been
dragging around really got me down last week -- I had even less voice than
usual! So it was CW only for me...:-)
1534 Q's 60 US/VE 49 Countries 670,132 (also 70 dupes) Time On: 27:40
Missed VE8, VO2, VY1, VY2. I heard some EU stations being called and
working others that I wasn't able to get to in time. The EU's seemed more
plentiful (ha!) and louder on Sunday.
Highlights: A 148 first hour; six hours over 100. Being called by XZ1N
(who had his exchange figured out by then, tnx K2KW), JT1BG, TZ6DX, LZ0A,
plus a few bold EU's and ZS's.
Lowlight: AG6D's LK-500 blew a fuse and later the in-rush resistor (bang!)
on Saturday afternoon -- fortunately I had a back-up in the car. Lost 37
minutes while I had been running 1+/minute. Previous hour was 76, next
hour was 101. That probably cost around 37-44 Q's.
Stuff: FT1000MP, LK500, Alpha 76, two KT34XA's on two towers (56', 70'),
USA calls = 1058
VE calls = 61
N.A. calls = 18
S.A. calls = 51
Euro calls = 17
Afrc calls = 6
Asia calls = 29
JA calls = 267
Ocen calls = 27
Total calls = 1534
Club Affiliation: Northern Calif. Contest Club
Congrats to K5RC and K7BV for great jobs from their respective moutaintops,
and to K3EST for another amazing performance. Special thanks to Al, AG6D,
and Squeak and Millie for the hospitality.
Thanks for all the Q's - enjoy the holidays!
73 de Steve K6AW
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