[3830] WA7BNM 10m LP CW Only
Bruce Horn
bhorn at hornucopia.com
Tue Dec 15 19:56:36 EST 1998
ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: WA7BNM
Location: CA (LAX)
Op Time: 11.0 hours
Low Power
CW Only
CW 610 89
SSB 0 0
= 218,228
Force 12 C3XL Tribanders (4 el on 10m) at 50 and 72 feet
FT-1000D (150W)
Like many others, I only had time for a sporadic effort. Total of 11 hours
in 9 segments. Thought I had probably missed most of the EU openings from
the West Coast until I read all of the other West Coast posts. Nice to have
some action on 10m. The band seem to die about 2 hours earlier Saturday
evening than Friday.
73 de Bruce, WA7BNM (bhorn at hornucopia.com)
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