[3830] M8T ARRL 10m Multi Op

Andy Cook, G4PIQ g4piq at blacksheep.org
Thu Dec 17 18:17:48 EST 1998


      Call: M8T                      Country:  England
                                     Category: Multi Single


      CW       668     2672       52       67
      SSB      903     1806       47      102

      Totals  1571     4478       99      169  =   1,200,104

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: G4PIQ, G4BAH 

Equipment Description:
FT1000MP + PA + KT34XA @ 14m + TH5 @ 24m

Here is the breakdown for a less than 100% serious entry to this
contest. We gave it a good bash, but knew that we were going to have to
make a few compromises that would keep the overall score down - too much
time on SSB as usual amongst them!

This was not run from CQWW Multi-Multi site, but from our club shack at
work and it was brought home to me just how noisy the work site really
is. The site is a telecommunications development centre with 4,500
people on it and therefore more computers and associated junk than you
can poke a very sharp stick at. While pointing West, the band noise
floor on the FT1000MP (albeit in Tuned front-end mode, and MP owners
will know just how much spare gain that means you have and how fast the
meter moves in this segment) sat at S7, and turning South it would drop
to S1. Apologies to people calling us who we couldn't hear.

Conditions were of course very different to the past few years. The band
didn't really open well to the West coast from here, but we did work a
couple of real 6s and a useful number of 7s on CW - less so on SSB.
Also, it didn't seem on really top form to the more Northerly bits of
Canada - I think we were still labouring under some of the impact from
the Friday night disturbance. The few JAs that we worked were mostly
long path - just a couple on the short.

However - good fun, and hope to be back next year.


Andy Cook, G4PIQ
g4piq at blacksheep.org

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