[3830] K8AZ ARRL 10m M/S

Nzharps at aol.com Nzharps at aol.com
Thu Dec 17 19:41:43 EST 1998

K8AZ   ARRL  10m Contest   Multi/op

          QSO's        C         S
CW     1148        89          56
SSB    1268        91          55

Total    2416      180         111       2,076,576


Rig:   FT1000MP+AMP
Antennas:    5/5(top rotatable @80ft, bottom fixed @40ft SE),  5/5/5/5 (fixed
EU),  7/7 (both on rotating tower)

Comment:  Wow what a weekend.  Despite the loss of the first 70 minutes of the
log due to a computer crash (72  CW q's and one FK8 mult we never worked
again), this was a memorable weekend in Chesterland.  Good conditions to W6
started things off well.  EU was excellent both mornings.  We had such success
on CW Saturday that we only had 6 EU SSB Q's in the log by 1700z.  That
allowed us to concentrate on SSB Sunday.  It was as if we had a brand new
contest to operate.

The Crew used this weekend to socialize also as we welcomed back our long lost
buddy KQ8M to the "rate chair".  It was good to see Tim at the keyboard once
We also brought back an old tradition we call "scotch and scatter" which helps
pass the hours after the band closes.  The relaxed atmosphere gave everyone
lots of laughs, but we're not sure how sharp we all were afterwards.

Huge kudos go out to the AZ Antenna Crew of K8AZ, WT8C,N8TR and N8DMM for
their many hours of work this past summer working on the new 5/5/5/5 EU stack.
It has become one of the best antenna systems that we use.  The Antenna Crew
also spent the weekend prior to the contest installing new hardline to the 7/7
so that it now acts like the killer array that K3TUP said it was.

Happy Holidays From the Gang at 'AZ,
Ron, K8NZ

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