[3830] AB2E IARU SO HP CW only Score

Darrell Neron otpaphil at erols.com
Sun Jul 12 21:07:14 EDT 1998

Had a great time, even though a family emergency meant missing a few
prime time hours on Saturday night. Got in about 18 hrs. Conditions
generally great, lots of HQ mults and lots of s&p stations answering my
CQs(especially VR85BG and some other Asian mults!).
	Decided to do CW only to hopefully help promote overall activity in
that mode....

                      IARU HF Championship -- 1998

      Call: AB2E                     Country:  United States
                                     Category: Single Operator


      160        8       10     1.25      2      3
       80       60      160     2.67     11     11
       40      228      758     3.32     22     17
       20      474     1982     4.18     26     19
       15      208      806     3.88     19     16
       10       17       51     3.00      5      2

     Totals    995     3767     3.79     85     68

                 Score: 576,351 points

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:

Club Affiliation: Frankford Radio Club

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Darrell Neron  AB2E
               322 S. Cummings Ave.
               Glassboro,, NJ 08028

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