[3830] K5MR IARU 98 M/S HP

Steve Taylor taylor at texoma.net
Sun Jul 12 21:16:30 EDT 1998

                              IARU HF CHAMPIONSHIP
     Call used: K5MR                                            Location: 7
     Category: Multi-Single Xmtr          Mode: CW/SSB          Power: 1500
     Callsign of Operator: 
     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:
     K5MR, K5PN, K5RT, W5WW, N5NJ, NM5M
     Exchanged Information: K5MR RST 7   
     Hours of Operation: 23:59
              CW      CW     SSB     SSB    band
     band   QSOs     pts    QSOs     pts   mults
     160      15      33       4       6      6
      80      72     228      16      44     22
      40     302    1066      18      46     53
      20     420    1664     413    1501     70
      15     332    1424     318    1322     61
      10       7      13      54     210     20
     TOTAL  1148    4428     823    3129    232       SCORE: 1,753,224
     Club or Team Name: North Texas Contest Club
     Comments:  Conditions were decent, but sounded better earlier in the 
     week. First time out for the nearly completed K5MR station.  Everything
     worked flawlessly, which was nice. The main 40m antenna is still down
     for repair, but the 402CD filled in nicely.  With the outside temp in the
     105 deg F range during the day, it got pretty warm in the shack with the
     extra heat generated by the equipment.

     Thanks to NM5M for getting us off to a good start.  N5NJ operated with us the
     last half of the contest and worked hard to get the mult total above 200.
     K5RT stopped by for a couple of hours of static crashes on the low bands
     (ouch!). The rest of us were on for the duration.

     The 24 hour format is a nice alternative. Should be even more fun next year.
     See you this fall.



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