[3830] DL4YAO ARRL SSB 80m Single Band score, comments

Christoph Rheker christor at MICROSOFT.com
Tue Mar 10 00:34:32 EST 1998

Here is my small 80 meters score..

Single OP, Single Band 80m, High Power

CALL     HRS    QSO'S   Multis    Score
DL4YAO   8      82      23        5658

Rig: TS870, 500 Watts Amp 
Ant: 50 feet vertical top loaded, 15 radials

Condx OK, but worked US East mostly. Bad QRM sometimes.

What Ant was W9RM using? He was S9++ all night, as
strong as the US East big-guns.

I heard several loud W0/W5 answering CQ calls of the loud
Euros. But I found only very few of the W0/W5 guys calling CQ, 
I would have answered to their calls!

Christoph DL4YAO

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