[3830] KK7GW WPX CW SO/Rookie

David Jones kk7gw at hotmail.com
Sun May 31 20:31:29 EDT 1998

                  CQ WPX SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 30-May-98, 31-May-98
    Callsign Used : KK7GW
         Operator : KK7GW

         Category : Single Operator/Rookie
         Default Exchange : 599 #
         Club : Western Washington DX Club

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   

   80CW        3           3          8        2 
   40CW       62          61         82       47 
   20CW       22          22         18       22 
   15CW       17          17         18       11 

 Totals      104         103        126       82 

    Final Score = 10332 points.
    Hours of operation: 12
    Power: 100 watts

Station: Kenwood TS-530, dipole cut for 40m at 20 feet.

Comments: Well, for me, this was a lot like SS.  Out of 103 valid QSO's, 
71 of those were 0 pointers.  Out of about the 30 QSO's that I got 
running, all but 2 were 0 pointers.

I had intended to go the whole 36, but things intervened.  Saturday 
morning came, and the rate meter stayed right near 0.  I finally got fed 
up, and as others did, as evidenced by the TR reflector, I checked 
e-mail.  Then I found out part of the reason the bands were awful...a 
nice solar flare.  I had to baby-sit Sat. night so that took out that.  
Then I slept until around 10:30 am local, after going on about 4-5 hours 
sleep for about the last week.  My antenna situation puts me easily 20 
db down from most stations on 20, so I couldn't capitalize on the tons 
of EU I was hearing Sunday Afternoon.

I did however, work a couple new countries.  I worked CP6AA on 15 (yes, 
I have never worked Boliva), and also RW2F on 20 (one of my 3 EU QSO's 
on 20) for my first UA2.

This summer should be fun getting more and better antennas up in the 
air.  See you all in Field Day, and then in IARU.

David Jones, KK7GW   
kk7gw at hotmail.com

Trustee for the Juanita Contesting Club-KD7BWU
jcontesting at hotmail.com

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