[3830] CQ-M Results

Sean Warner K0XQ k0xq at amsat.org
Mon May 11 13:18:23 EDT 1998

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>                              

    Contest Dates : 09-May-98, 10-May-98

    Callsign Used : KT0R

    Operators : KT0R, K0XQ, K0AD

    Category : multi single

    Rigs: Icom 775, Yaesu FT-100D

    Antennas: 20m & 40m monobander yagis, 20m/15m/10m tribander yagi  @
30 meters

    Team/Club : Minnesota Wireless Association

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   


   40CW          18                    18               25            5 

   40SSB           2                      2                 6            

   20CW        134                  134             313           26 

   20SSB        264                  264             337          14 

   15CW            1                      1                 2            

   15SSB           2                      2                  4           


 Totals          421                  421             687           50 

 Final Score = 34350 points.

 Soapbox Comments


Where were all the operators this year? Conditions seemed to be fair, but
the amount of people operating the contest seemed to be few.

We were especially suprised that there were not many European operators.
We had a great signal report from LA2PA at about 1900z 10 May, (s9+20
dB), but we worked very few Europeans after about 0400z 10 May 98.
Signals were great out to the Pacific also (another very good signal
report from JA3CZY at 1400z 10 May 98), but again, very few contest
operators. Who knows, maybe our signal wasn't that great, after all :-)

Sunday (in North America) the contest turned into a domestic QSO party,
which was still fun, but not very productive.

Still, we had a lot of fun-we like the format & the 24 hour timeframe, &
we did work quite a few Russian/CIS stations. We'll see you next year!

73 ES GUD DX DE KT0R K0XQ K0AD</fontfamily>

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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