[3830] W4PA SS CW QRP

Scott Robbins srobbins at usit.net
Mon Nov 9 21:26:26 EST 1998

W4PA SS CW QRP class
817 x 78 mults = 127,452 claimed score in 24 hours. 

                            SWEEPSTAKES SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 07-Nov-98, 08-Nov-98, 09-Nov-98

    Callsign Used : W4PA
         Operator : W4PA

         Category : QRP

 Default Exchange : # Q W4PA 82 TN

             Name : SCOTT ROBBINS
          Address : 1163 OLD CARTERTOWN ROAD
   City/State/Zip : GATLINBURG, TN 37738
          Country : United States


   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80CW      214         214        426       4 
   40CW      268         268        536      17 
   20CW      218         218        436      28 
   15CW      101         101        202      20 
   10CW       16          16         32       9 

 Totals      817         817       1632      78 

    Final Score = 127,296 points.

    Station Description: Two Omni-VI Plus transceivers @ 5 watts
    10/15/20:  6 el 20m yagi @ 100' fed with 1" hardline
               TH7DX @ 85' fed with 1" hardline
               "Domestic stack": 3 el to NE @ 40', 3 el to west @30'
                phased with WX0B box on 40' tel pole
    40: 3 el 40m yagi @ 70'
        solo HF2V vertical, elevated feed/radials
    80: Phased HF2V's, 1/4 wave spaced 10,000 feet of radial wire,
        relay switchable between NE/SW
        solo HF2V vertical, elevated feed/radials

I've said before you learn from every contest.  This time, I learned
something about my station before the contest.  I discovered that at
5 watts, I could simultaneously call CQ and S&P with two radios on 
the same band.  There is about 225' of separation between the big
tower with the TH7 and 20m monobander and the "domestic stack"
telephone pole.  Ditto with the phased verticals and solo HF2V on 80
meters.  When conditions went ugly on Sunday, I parked one radio at
about 14.080-090 calling CQ while going up and down 20 meters with
the second radio on the big monobander.  Same thing both nights on
40 and 80.  I think that this made a big impact on my score.

I worked VY1A during the first hour and was able to clean up all 
other mults except VO1 - heard VO1MP three times on two different
bands but QRP was not making it through the pileup so I elected to
ignore it and keep hunting QSO's instead.

I really enjoyed this one.  I felt a lot less pressure running QRP
than running high power and....(gulp)....I may do this for the
phone SS this year as well.  

Go Tennessee Contest Group!

Scott Robbins, W4PA 

Visit the Tennessee Contest Group at <http://www.k4ro.net/tcg.html>
The most under-rated rock band in the United States is LITTLE FEAT.  
The views expressed above do not represent the view of my employer.

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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