[3830] SS VE3RZ SOLP

Tony Osman aosman at cgocable.net
Sun Nov 22 21:58:51 EST 1998

                        ARRL SWEEPSTAKES -- 1998

      Call: VE3RZ                    Country:  
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator


      160        0        0        -
       80        0        0        -
       40      102      204        -
       20       32       64        -
       15       57      114        -
       10       23       46        -

     Totals    214      428       72

               Score:  30,816

One day I will have time to take SS seriously and have the antennas to go
with that.
Thanks for all Qso's and cu all next weekend in CQ WW

Tony, VE3RZ

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