[3830] N6BZA Phone SS SOHP
Dan Levin
djl at andlev.com
Sun Nov 22 22:04:12 EST 1998
First contest with the new tower up - made a big difference. Now if I can
just get my wife and 10 month old daughter to give me enough time to be
competitive :-)
N6BZA, Single Op Unassisted, High Power
40/80 - dipole @ 50'
10/15/20 - TET HB-43SP @ 65'
IC740 + H/B Amp = 1,500 watts
# B N6BZA 79 SCV
Time Operated: 7:42
524 x 79 = 82,792
Club: Northern California Contest Club
- Delight is that it took me less than 90 minutes to make more QSO's and
more points than I made in over 5 hours on CW. Like a fish back in water
- Happiness is having KL7Y, VY1A and VO1MP all call in within 90 minutes on
Saturday afternoon.
- Surprise is only hearing 1, count it 1, station from San Francisco section
- Gratitude is KA2YKM calling in on 15M for the sweep (SNJ, believe it or
- Shock is finally getting the new tower up on Thursday night, and finding
the SWR on 20M off the meter. Made a total of 49 Q's on 20, all using the
tuner - I am guessing it is a broken trap to tip connection.
- Glee is 10M opening up, with good rates and no noise (but very weird
propogation. For a while on Sunday morning, I was working a solid diet of
8's, 9's and 0's - with 3 Mainers thrown in. And Loud. Nothing else East
Coast, just 3 ME's. Then VE1MC - who I am guessing is just north of Maine.
Crazy. 15 minutes later, MA and CT finally joined the party.).
- Summary is: decent rates + excellent participation = great fun. My first
phone SS after 15 years off, but it won't be my last.
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