[3830] K7MM SO QRP Sweepstakes SSB

Ransom, Dan Ransom at its.gonzaga.edu
Mon Nov 23 07:10:56 EST 1998

Mouse Power!  QRP SS from K 7 Mickey Mouse!  Running shoulder to shoulder
with the B power stations on 10M was fun!  Thanks to the Novices for all the

What a difference a fortnight makes!  Propagation was much improved over the
CW weekend.  

MB was the tough section.  I found a "Manitoba accent" voice on 20M, talked
him through the exchange for the sweep; thanks to Gordy at VE4OI!  Later, I
worked good ol' VE4GVV for insurance on 40M.  With the skip distances and
living in a low population area, northern Midwest stations beam to the east
coast and California, making it difficult for denizens of the "NW Black
Hole" to get the dreaded upper Midwest mults!

                      ARRL SWEEPSTAKES -- 1998

      Call: K7MM                     Section:  Eastern Washington (EWA)
      Mode: SSB                      Category: QRP, Single Operator


      160        0        0        -
       80       32       64        -
       40      108      216        -
       20      103      206        -
       15      232      464        -
       10      201      402        -

     Totals    676     1352       79

               Score:  106,808

Power Output: __5_ watts     Hours of operation: _24_

Daniel L. Ransom      K7MM
Media Maintenance Technician III
Instructional Technology Support Services,
A division of Information and Technology Services
Gonzaga University  
(509) 323-3825

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