[3830] K5PN SSB Sweepstakes SOLP

Ron Chambers k5pn at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 23 07:44:10 EST 1998

      160        0        0        -
       80        0        0        -
       40       13       26        -
       20      111      222        -
       15      131      262        -
       10       17       34        -

     Totals    272      544       79

               Score:  42,976

Hours: 10 or so 
 Club: North Texas Contest Club
Equip: ICOM 765 and TH6, 40M rotatable dipole, CT, dog, coffee

SOAP:  Fun of course. The flare-up Sunday was really something to 
experience - dead quiet! Couldn't stay long, but it was a Fone Contest 
after-all and the Cowboys were trying to squeak by Seattle. Did manage 
to make a Sweep, plus filled in the 10K CW deficit to the club pledge. 
Now K5RX can't complain (but he will anyway). It was harder to find and 
work WTX and NM than NWT and NL! Some of those QRP signals really amaze 
me! Some of those voice keyer recordings could be a little slower, can't 
type that fast....Congrats to good jobs by team members W5WW and K5RA!!

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