Kirk n0kk at pclink.com
Mon Nov 23 23:39:42 EST 1998


Bands   160	80	40	20	15	10
QSO'S 	0	120	515	402	190	53

Totals    1280 x 79  202,240 pts.

Was great to work and hear scattered friends!
First sweep on both cw and phone in the same year!
My only wish was that we would have had a bit better propagation to S.E.
and East coast on 10 meters. Was easy to see that the west coast was
going to really make hay on sunday afternoon.
Toughest part of the contest was not being able to watch the VIKINGS
beat the PACK.................AGAIN !!!!!

Thanks to Ron, N0AT, for his generosity and mentoring.

See ya all next year.  Kirk N0KK

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