[3830] Single Op, Med Power, PAQSO, K3FH

K3FH at aol.com K3FH at aol.com
Mon Oct 12 00:34:11 EDT 1998

According to preliminary calculation, these are the results:

Band	Mode	QSOs	Points	
80		CW		112		224
40		CW		114		171
40		SSB	  51		  51
20		CW		  21		  31.5
15		CW		    8        12
10		CW		    1	   1.5

Multipliers   PA  54, ARRL Sec. 43, DX 1
Total Multipliers  98
491 QSO Points X  98 Multipliers =  48,118
400 Bonus Points (K3YTL wkd twice)

Total Score 48,518

Total time on air = 8 hours	

Enjoyed the time I could spend on the air, lots of good operators as usual.  

73 de Mike K3FH, Murrysville, PA		

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