[3830] W4CAT (K1KY OP) CQP 98 - Claimed score & story (LONG)

Tom Delker k1ky at bellsouth.net
Tue Oct 13 23:40:54 EDT 1998


    Contest Dates : 03-Oct-98, 04-Oct-98
    Callsign Used : W4CAT
         Operator : K1KY
         Category : SOAB HP Unassisted
 Default Exchange : NR # TENNESSEE
        Equipment : Ten-Tec Omni 6+, Ten-Tec Titan
                    IC-735 Barefoot (2nd Radio)
                    Pentium Laptop, TRLog 6.29
         Antennas : Delker Loop 160/80/40  @105'
                    Carolina Windom 160 @130'
                    TH2mk3 2El HF Tribander @70'
                    Antron 99 @75'  10M/15M
         Location : @ K1KY @ W4CAT - Music Mountain, Gallatin, TN
             Name : Thomas M. Delker
          Address : 113 Richland Ave.
   City/State/Zip : Smyrna, TN 37167


   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults  QPts 

  160CW        1           1          3       0    .14%
   80CW       30          30         90       0   4.13%
   80SSB      11          11         22       0   1.01%
   40CW       57          56        168       0   7.71%
   40SSB      59          59        118       1   5.42%
   20CW       78          77        231      12  10.60%
   20SSB     101         100        200       6   9.18%
   15CW       76          75        225       0  10.33%
   15SSB     104         101        202       0   9.27%
   10CW      103          96        288       2  13.22%
   10SSB     321         316        632      37  29.00%

 Totals      941         922       2179      58 

          Cw Q's: 335 (36%Q / 46%Pts /24%Mults) 
        Fone Q's: 587 (64%Q / 54%Pts /76%Mults)
                        (I'm not a fone op!)

    Final Score = 126382 points.

           Sweep @ 02:34 Menlo     TTl Worked: 2
       Pre-Sweep @ 22:20 Madison       "       3
   Pre-Pre-Sweep @ 21:48 Humbolt       "       6

 59 2nd Radio Q's for no new mults. 113 Band changes.
             Op Time: 23:57 Hrs.                

 Breaks: 02:05 - 02:20  (0:15)   (00:15T)
         06:19 - 10:11  (3:52)   (04:07T)
         10:49 - 11:52  (1:03)   (05:10T)
         12:08 - 12:23  (0:15)   (05:25T)
         12:42 - 13:20  (0:38)   (06:03T)

       Honorable Mention (W4CAT Frequent Q-Club)

11 Band/Mode Q's: N6O
 9      "       : K6RC, K6SDX
 8      "       : AD6DO, N6HC, K6Z, KC6X, KF6T, NI6T, W0YK/6
 7      "       : AC6T, K6RIM, K6SRZ/6, KQ6ES, W6KC, W6OSP
 6      "       : AC6CV, AE6Y, K6DW, K6EL, K6GT, K6LA, K6PUD
                  K6RO, K6XV, KF6GUH, KI6PR, K6KI, N6YEU, NF6S
                  NM6Q, W6KY, W6TK


      2102:          4 per minute     (240/hr)
      1945:         18 per 10 minutes (108/hr)
      1815:         77 per hour

Total Qs: 941  Average rate: 39.29 per hour (23.95 Hrs Op)

HR  160    80    40     20     15     10   HR TOT CUM TOTAL SCORE
-- ----- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --------- -----
16  ---   ---    ---   23/14   ---   30/20  53/34   53/34   0.00M
17  ---   ---    ---   11/4    ---   58/12  69/16  122/50   0.01M
18  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---   60/4   60/4   182/54   0.02M
19  ---   ---    ---    ---    7/0   47/0   54/0   236/54   0.03M
20  ---   ---    ---    ---   48/0    8/0   56/0   292/54   0.04M
21  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---   55/2   55/2   347/56   0.04M
22  ---   ---    ---    ---   24/0   30/1   54/1   401/57   0.05M
23  ---   ---    ---   29/0   14/0    ---   43/0   444/57   0.06M
 0  ---   ---    ---   23/0    2/0    3/0   28/0   472/57   0.06M
 1  ---   ---    6/0   34/0    ---    ---   40/0   512/57   0.07M
 2  ---   ---   33/1    2/0    ---    ---   35/1   547/58   0.07M
          Break = 02:05 - 02:20 (:15)
 3  ---   ---   38/0    ---    ---    ---   38/0   585/58   0.08M
 4  ---   8/0   21/0    ---    ---    ---   29/0   614/58   0.08M
 5  1/0  24/0    5/0    ---    ---    ---   30/0   644/58   0.09M
 6  ---   6/0    4/0    ---    ---    ---   10/0   654/58   0.09M
          Break = 06:19 - 10:11  (3:52)
 7  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---   654/58   0.09M
 8  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---   654/58   0.09M
 9  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---   654/58   0.09M
10  ---   2/0    4/0    ---    ---    ---    6/0   660/58   0.09M
          Break = 10:49 - 11:52  (1:03)
11  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---   660/58   0.09M
12  ---   1/0    3/0    ---    ---    ---    4/0   664/58   0.09M
          Break = 12:08 - 12:23  (:15)
          Break = 12:42 - 13:20  (:38)
13  ---   ---    1/0    4/0    ---    ---    5/0   669/58   0.09M
14  ---   ---    ---   20/0    3/0    ---   23/0   692/58   0.09M
15  ---   ---    ---   14/0    6/0    ---   20/0   712/58   0.10M
16  ---   ---    ---    ---   12/0   16/0   28/0   740/58   0.10M
17  ---   ---    ---    2/0   12/0   17/0   31/0   771/58   0.11M
18  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---   42/0   42/0   813/58   0.11M
19  ---   ---    ---    8/0   11/0   11/0   30/0   843/58   0.12M
20  ---   ---    ---    6/0   22/0    4/0   32/0   875/58   0.12M
21  ---   ---    ---    1/0   15/0   31/0   47/0   922/58   0.13M
D1 0/0    0/0    0/0   63/18  93/0  288/39          444/57
D2 1/0   41/0  115/1  114/0   83/0  124/0           478/1
TO 1/0   41/0  115/1  177/18 176/0  412/39          922/58

                W4CAT CQP 98 QSO DISTRIBUTION

   1. LAng  112   2. SDgo  70   3. Org   57   4. SCla   55
   5. Riv    32   6. Slo   30   7. Son   29   8. Sac    27
   9. Alam   26  10. CCon  24  11. Pla   22  12. But    19
  13. Kern   19  14. Tul   18  15. SCru  18  16. ElDo   18
  17. Fres   17  18. Nev   16  19. Vent  16  20. SBer   16
  21. Marin  15  22. SMat  15  23. Amad  13  24. Shas   13
  25. Yuba   11  26. SJoq  11  27. Marip 11  28. Teh    10
  29. Stan   10  30. Mer   10  31. Tri   10  32. SBar   10
  33. Lake    9  34. Sisk   9  35. Sf     9  36. Modoc   8
  37. Mont    8  38. Inyo   8  39. Napa   8  40. Sier    7
  41. Alp     7  42. Tuol   7  43. Mono   7  44. Sol     6
  45. Plu     6  46. Hum    6  47. Cala   5  48. Las     5
  49. Imp     5  50. Sut    5  51. DelN   3  52. SBen    3
  53. Mad     3  54. Yolo   2  55. Glen   2  56. Men     2
  57. King    1  58. Colu   1


 Soapbox Comments

Perfect end to a long week of business.stuff....Just had
to kill something, so what better than a Tennessee record?
Old K4LTA Record 111,592 set in 1993, beaten by him and me
and our very own Wo4o possibly reaching the sweep first 
makes this a memorable one for the Tennessee Contest Group!
Could there be 3 bottles of the coveted wine coming this way?
Excellent bonding with 2nd Radio. Awesome 10 Meter condx. 
Only had one jammer (on 10 Meters!), but he didn't last long. 
Exerything worked perfectly, no TR/Computer glitches or 
lockups. Ended with the rate meter @84 on 10 Meters.
Thomas M. Delker - K1KY CFO#395 - Smyrna / Gallatin / Short Mtn. TN
A.R.R.L. District Emergency Coordinator - Tennessee District #4
C.A.T.S. (W4CAT) - 147.30/145.23/145.49/145.17/223.98/444.45/444.65
Stones River A.R.C. (K4FUN) - http://www.members.home.com/srarc
Tennessee Contest Group (K4TCG) - http://www.k4ro.net/tcg.html
Fistfighters United Nashville (NT4L) 146.955 (114.8)

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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