[3830] OH1AF CQWWSSB multi-single

Timo Timo
Mon Oct 26 17:25:37 EST 1998

Multi-single, ops: OH1MM, OH1MDR, OH1NOA, OH1JAY, OH6KZP

Rigs: FT1000MP, FT990, TS450, TS430, TS830, IC735 + 4xPA (700-1000W out)

Computers: 4 xPC, Ethernet network (CT9) linked to Eu megaclusters via PORNIX Pori Tech. Collage node(the 1st time, it worked great, viva! Ethernet and thanks to HB9F/PI5DHV sysops) 

Antennas: 160&80 inv vee ; 40 3el ; 20 4+4 el & 4el 15 4+4 el ; 10m 6 el


160   131 / 8 / 51
80      394 / 14 / 72
40      569 / 30 / 118
20     1057 / 37 / 137
15      768 / 35 / 141
10      157 / 27 / 107

SUM 3076 / 151 / 626

SCORE: 4,297, 587

In my strategy sheet I had the numbers: 4000 / 159 / 615 and band numbers were very near what we finally had (except qsos :( )

Another year of dissapointment  - propagation wise and a repeat of just 1100 + DX-qsos like in 1997. 

160m A nice suprise. We were able to get the most of Eu (expect 4U1ITU - we tried over and over again!!) + VE1 and SU2MT. B1A was strong on Saturday but no luck. 10 more mults than 1997, 35 qs less.

80m Condx much like last year. Stateside was down but we got a bunch of Caribbean mults. B1A was 59+ here on Sunday. 5 more mults than 1997, 209 qs less.

40m We had a nice JA pileup on Saturday afternoon. Stateside, what stateside? Well, no pileups. 17 more mults than 1997, 25 qs less.

20m US openings were short, we couldn't get a run going. W7WA was 59+30 on late Sunday. No nighttime propagation. 7 more mults than 1997, 223 less qs.

15m Only one JA worked on Saturday! Fortunately Sunday was better with about 2-hour pileup to Japan. Last year we got 2 JAs!! VK guys have a strong appearance in our log. US really never opened so well...late opening on Saturday wasn't productive and Sunday was even poorer. A Day-time main band anyhow this year. 22 more mults than in 1997, 272 more qs.

10m Some openings to the east and west on Sunday. Worked only one JA and W but multiplier total is good. 56 more mults than in 1997!!, 16 more qs.

Come on sunspots - we have waited since 1992 and still waiting... (solar flux was 113 ... propagation not disturbed)

OH6KZP worked for the first time with us. Kim is a great young operator and fit our team very well. OH1JAY is a local young ham and this was his first time in a multi operation. The rest? OH1MM, OH1NOA and OH1MDR are the old farts... ( too much DX & beer ... and you can see it ;=) )

More to come when I get statistics complete- check my website http://www.qsl.net/oh1noa/contest.html

73 Timo OH1NOA/OH0NOA 
--- "walk unafraid, I'll be clumsy instead..." 
Timo Klimoff                                 timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi
++Ham/Search/Blake/Kewl at   http://www.qsl.net/oh1noa
++R.E.M. at                                  http://move.to/rem
ICQ # 15474856

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