[3830] K6RO CW Sprint

Doug Brandon dab at home.com
Sun Sep 6 20:27:35 EDT 1998

     Call used: K6RO  (op. N6RT)
     Category: SOHP CW
     Exchanged Information: K6RO nr LARRY CA  
     Hours of Operation: 03:58
     band      QSOs     points
      80         64         64    Force12 rotatable dipole @ 95'
      40        107        107    3 element Force12 at 90'
      20        108        108    6 element Force12 at 90'
     TOTAL      279        279   X   40 multipliers  =  11,160
     Club or Team Name: SoCal Contest Club (SCCC) #1


     I have not done a serious single op effort in any contest in a 
     long time and was very pleased with my results.  I was just 
     worried about getting to 200!  I thought 300 was in sight after
     hitting the 200 mark after 2 1/2 hours, but the rate on 80m (S9 QRN)
     wasnt nearly as good as on 20/40.  I really enjoyed the contest, 
     thanks to all the great ops out there!
     Thanks to Larry K6RO for making his excellent station available.

     73 de Doug, N6RT

  Doug Brandon       http://members.home.com/dab         dab at home.com

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