[3830] VO1MP WAE SO-15 Mono

Gus VO1MP gussam at newcomm.net
Sun Sep 13 18:29:52 EDT 1998

                       WORKED ALL EUROPE CONTEST  1998

      Call: VO1MP                    Country:  Canada (272)
      Mode: SSB -HP                     Category: SO  Single Band 15

     BAND     QSO   QTC    Cty   Mult

       15        1000      977      45      90

    Totals       1000       977     45     90 = 177,840

All reports sent were 59, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
950sd   sb-220     4 el   HB Mono Bander   at 32 '


Started out to work a few stations for the practice,on 15 
 Then figured I would stay on 21 and  log  a 1000 qsos before I quit.
Didn't make it the first day ( late start )  had only  703  before I quit
 to take xyl and kids to dinner. ( brownie points ).
 So had to come back for a few hours on Sunday to finish off.
Conditions were fair , however the northern European Stations
had lots of flutter so conditions were not quite settled from here .

Managed to SPRINT  ON 20 for a 100 Q's 
 before getting off to bed. 
Fun Radio Day !!  

All goes as planned will be qrv as VO2CQ  from zone 2 
for  a multi single in CQWWSSB.
Hope 10 starts to play better !!

73 Gus VO1MP/VO2CQ

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