[3830] Honor Sprint Rules

Ward Silver hwardsil at WOLFENET.com
Sun Sep 27 11:13:24 EDT 1998

Some apparently didn't catch my first announcement of the Honor Sprint on
the 17th of Oct.  Apologies for redundancy as required.

73, Ward N0AX

> > 			HONOR SPRINT #1
> > 
> > When:	Oct 18, 0000Z to 0400Z (rounding errors notwithstanding)
> > 		Saturday afternoon/evening in North America
> > Mode:	CW (and forever CW)
> > 
> > Rules, Bands, Scoring, etc. - all the same as a regular NA Sprint, no
> > changes WHATSOEVER.  If this gets real popular, we can start diddling with
> > the bands and so forth.
> > 
> > Team registration should be sent before the contest starts to N0AX via
> > email at hwardsil at wolfenet.com
> > 
> > W5ASP has graciously agreed to tabulate and post the scoress. ("This time" 
> > - Joe)  All summary sheets (no logs, remember?) must be sent to
> > 3830 at contesting.com within 48 hours of the closing bell. (0400Z on
> > Monday, Oct. 19th)
> >
> > The list will be published shortly thereafter.  Fibs and legally
> > accurate analysis begin shortly following.

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