[3830] K4RO NAQP SSB SO Score

K4RO Kirk Pickering K4RO Kirk Pickering <k4ro@k4ro.net>
Sun, 22 Aug 1999 12:10:56 -0500 (CDT)

August 1999 SSB North American QSO Party Summary Sheet


Station Used : K4RO
                  Contest Dates    : Aug 21-22, 1999
 Operator     : K4RO                   Category         : Single Operator

Team/Club    : TCG Team #1            Default Exchange : KIRK TN

    BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

  160SSB      33          33         33      17 
   80SSB      78          78         78      28 
   40SSB     351         347        347      51 
   20SSB     143         136        134      39 
   15SSB      39          39         37      15 
   10SSB       5           5          4       5 

 Totals      649         638        633     155 

    Final Score = 98,115 points.

Station description: http://www.k4ro.net/tcg/stations/k4ro_stn.html

Barefoot operation.  Ring rotor still broken since IARU. :-(

 Soapbox Comments

 Ten and fifteen were a complete washout.  Twenty wasn't much better.
 Thank goodness for forty meters.  Overall score way down from last year,
 mainly due to a pitiful multiplier count.  Also messed up off times,
 resulting in about 9:35 of operating time.  K4WX was the only 6-bander.  
 Sounded like the left coast ops were having a good time on twenty & 
 fifteen.  All in all, not very memorable conditions from Tennessee.  
 Expected a little more with a SFI of 152 at the start of the contest.  
 As always, hope springs eternal for good conditions in the next contest.  
 CU in the CW Sprint, and thanks for the QSO's and QSY's.
 -Kirk  K4RO
 HOUR  160SSB   80SSB   40SSB   20SSB   15SSB   10SSB   TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
   18       0       0       0      73      14       0      87      87
   19       0       0       0      38      19       2      59     146
   20       0       0       0       1       1       0       2     148
   21       0       0       0       1       0       0       1     149
   22       0       0      14       4       1       1      20     169
   23       0       0      84       6       0       0      90     259
    0       0       0      66       7       3       2      78     337
    1       0       0      61       1       0       0      62     399
    2       0      12      66       1       0       0      79     478
    3       4      28      13       2       0       0      47     525
    4      27      12      26       0       0       0      65     590
    5       2      26      17       2       1       0      48     638

  TOTAL    33      78     347     136      39       5  

      2305:          5 per minute     (300/hr)
      2343:         27 per 10 minutes (162/hr)
      2351:         98 per hour

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