[3830] OZ1AA SARTG RTTY SO/AB/LP + Comments
Thomas, OZ1AA
Thomas, OZ1AA" <oz1aa@qsl.net
Sun, 22 Aug 1999 19:36:41 +0200
SARTG WW RTTY Contest 1999
Country: Denmark
Section: Single Operator/All Band/Low Power
80 4 40 10.0 4 0
40 19 190 10.0 13 0
20 77 815 10.6 32 1
15 91 955 10.5 35 2
10 26 270 10.4 13 0
Totals 217 2270 10.5 97 3= 227.000 Points.
All reports sent were 599 #, unless otherwise noted.
Station Description:
Icom IC-735, max. 100W but 90% 20W.
Dipole antennas inside the roof.
First of all, this was my first RTTY contest ever. I only have about 5 weeks
experience with the RTTY mode, so believe me - I learned a lot about RTTY
and RTTY contesting during the weekend.
Actually the things looked quite bad before the contest:
- My station is very small - only an Icom IC-735 + dipoles inside the roof.
- My Icom gets very very warm when I operate, so I had to reduce the power
to 20-25 watts.
- I have no packet connection. I checked the Webcluster a few times during
the weekend, but here in Denmark you have to pay for every minute you are
online, and I'm only a poor student (16 years old), so I couldn't just be
connected all the time.
- The conditions to NA was very bad (or was it my station?) - only worked 3
US stations :-(
Well, even though it looked a bit bad, this was my first RTTY contest, so no
matter how bad a score I would make, it would be my best RTTY contest ever,
so I just turned on the radio, and tried to make as many QSO's and find as
many mult's as possible. I'm actually quite satisfied with my score, but of
course there is a lot things to work with. I don't think the conditions were
that good, but of course you can't expect to have US pile-ups with a setup
like mine. I had much QRM on 40 and 80 meter, so not much QSO's/mults there.
Today (Sunday) I managed to work 26 QSO's and 13 mults on 10 meter, and that
sure gave the score a kick up. BTW, nice to see the score grows that quick
(10 or 15 points per QSO) compered to CW or SSB contests.
I really like RTTY contesting, and I will try to be QRV in CQWW RTTY from
the OZ7HVI club station, where we have some bigger antennas, and that should
make it possible to make much more QSO's, when you are able to RUN stations.
Thanks for all the QSO's, and I'm sure that we will meet again soon.
Unfortunately I can't be QRV in the SCC RTTY contest next weekend, but
anyway see you soon ON AIR.
Vy 73 de Thomas, OZ1AA
Thomas Andersen - OZ1AA (ex. OZ5DK)
Copenhagen, Denmark
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