[3830] VE3EJ NAQP Aug 99 CW

John Sluymer jsluymer at LEBLANC-GROUP.COM
Mon Aug 9 11:55:00 EDT 1999

                       1999 NCJ NORTH AMERICAN QSO PARTY

     Call used: VE3EJ                                          Location:

     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW              Power:

     Callsign of Operator: VE3EJ

     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:


     Exchanged Information: VE3EJ JOHN ON

     Hours of Operation: 09:59

     band      QSOs     points    mults    OFF Times:
     160         62        62       27               19:11 - 20:11
      80        113       113       38               20:49 - 21:19
      40        189       189       40               23:40 - 00:10
      20        139       139       44
      15         89        89       37
      10         34        34       24
     TOTAL      626       626      210      SCORE: 131,460

     Club or Team Name:

     Comments: QRN made things tough ..... thanks to all who called and
     those who took time to QSY to other bands to help make the

     I, by virtue of my statement below, have taken part in the

           1999 NCJ NORTH AMERICAN QSO PARTY on 08/07/1999

     conscientiously applying my most ethical interpretation of the
     published rules for this contest.

     Date_________ Signature_____________________________

     Name: John Sluymer                    Call: VE3EJ
           RR #1, 3505 Townline Rd
           Grassie, Ontario, Canada, L0R1M0

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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