Bart Ritchie - VE5CPU
ve5cpu at sk.sympatico.ca
Sun Dec 5 12:49:10 EST 1999
TARA Sprint
Call used: VE5CPU Location: SK
Entry Class: Single Op, All Band
Band QSOs Pts QTH DX
80 0 0 0 0
40 37 37 24 0
20 85 85 36 8
15 46 46 19 6
10 4 4 3 0
Total 172 172 39* 10*
* - Counted only once (not once per band)
Claimed Score: 8428
Software: RTTY by WF1B v4.5
Power Output: 300
Club Participation: Regina Amateur Radio Assocation
Soapbox: Missed the first hour and a half of the test, but had a great time
once I "got going". Managed to improve results over last year and that was
main goal. Thanks to all those who participated... and especialy nice to
the regulars... see you all in the next one.
.B.R. (Bart) Ritchie Internet: ve5cpu at sk.sympatico.ca.
.Regina, SK Canada .
.Amateur Radio Call:VE5CPU Ampr-Org: ve5cpu at ve5us.ampr.org .
Date: 12-05-1999 - Time: 12:49:10 PM
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