[3830] N0AX CW Sprint - LP

Ward Silver hwardsil at WOLFENET.com
Sat Feb 13 21:00:37 EST 1999

         Operator : N0AX
         Category : Low-Power
        Team/Club : Rush Drake Orchestra

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   80CW       51          51         51       3         0 
   40CW       96          96         96       2         0 
   20CW      128         128        128      38         1 

 Totals      275         275        275      43         1 

    Final Score = 12100 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 Lots of personal bests reported on 3830 - add another to the list.  On to 
 And Beyond!  Probably the smoothest flow for me of any sprint yet - none of
 those embarrasing 30 minute periods that look mighty bad in the log later on.
 Thanks to HC8N and ZF2NT for spicing things up - no Europeans this time.

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