[3830] K5ZD NA Sprint CW High Power

Randy Thompson k5zd at ma.ultranet.com
Sun Feb 14 22:16:58 EST 1999

Conditions were good, but seemed a bit funny.  Lots of QSB and some hollow
sounds.  For such high flux, 40 got long fast.  And I think I would rather
fight the FOC guys than the RTTY folks on 40m!

I got beat out when calling guys a lot!  Sometimes 3 or 4 times in a row,
which is really hurts the rate.  Fantastic activity and good ops - I kept
the keyer between 36 and 40 WPM all night.

Congratulations to K1KI.  Tom got ahead of me from the start and just when I
would almost catch up, he would blast ahead again.  That N6TR guy has this
contest figured out!

Score for K5ZD:

20m   124
40m   139
80m    91

Total 354 x 49 = 17,346

I thought I was doing great for mults.  Especially when FS5PL gave me #7.
Never heard a C6A or ZF2 at all.  Got everything else I heard.

QSO/Sec+Dx by hour and band

 Hour      80M     40M     20M    Total     Cumm

D1-0000Z  --+--   --+--   92/34   92/34     92/34
D1-0100Z    -     53/2    32/6    85/8     177/42
D1-0200Z  17/0    69/3      -     86/3     263/45
D1-0300Z  74/3    17/1      -     91/4     354/49

Total:    91/3   139/6   124/40

Mult worked list:

CT   NJ   AL   CA   MI   IL   CO   MA   NY   MD   FL   LA   AZ   OH   IN
IA   PQ   PA   GA   MS   ID   WV   WI   KS   ON   NH   KY   NM   MT   MN
NC   TX   NV   MO   SK   SC   OK   OR   NE   AB   TN   UT   BC   VA   WA

FS5    KL7    XE

See you in September!

Randy, K5ZD

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