[3830] K4RO CW Sprint HP Feb 99

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Sun Feb 14 18:26:35 EST 1999

    K4RO CW Sprint February 13, 1999

    Station Used : K4RO     Team/Club : TCG      Operator : K4RO

    Category : SO HP        Default Exchange : CALLSIGNS # KIRK TN

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   80CW       96          96         96       3         1 
   40CW      102         102        102      10         2 
   20CW       78          78         78      28         0 

 Totals      276         276        276      41         3 

    Final Score = 12,144 points.


  HOUR   80CW    40CW    20CW    TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
    0       0       0      72      72      72
    1       0      55       6      61     133
    2      18      47       0      65     198
    3      78       0       0      78     276

      0157:          3 per minute     (180/hr)
      0033:         16 per 10 minutes (96/hr)
      0357:         78 per hour

Total Qs: 276  Average rate: 69 per hour


IC-765  AL-811 @ 500W out, Mosley PRO57A at 60' (W) and 100' (NE)
Loaded boom of 100' Mosley on 40m, sloper at 70' on 80m.  TR-Log 6.35


If I hadn't spent most of the day on the tower wrestling with the
#@&% ring rotor, I would have had more energy for the contest.  Sure
hope I can have the ring working by ARRL DX.  This just might be the 
year I finally break down and get a legal-limit amplifier...


A personal best, almost 1000 points better than September 98.  I was 
able to hit the ground running a little bit better this time.  Always a
pleasure to behold some of the operating talent in this contest.  Worked
what seemed like many new calls; hats off to the new Sprinters.  Calls
which made me do a double take (and a ..__..) were HC8N and VK5GN, both
with good signals.  Cool.


The 300 mark is starting to appear in my sights, but still looks
a long way off.  I still can't use the second radio at all in this
contest.  I can barely manage one radio at this pace!  I've been
sneaking around on 30m lately trying to improve my CW where no one's
watching. :-)   I'm clearly still a CW lid, but I am slowly getting better.
This contest is an excellent benchmark for measuring skill improvement.
I am really looking forward to the next time, as always.  See you then,
and thanks for the QSOs.

-Kirk  K4RO

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