[3830] K5HP '99 ARRL DX/CW - SOABLP - Assisted

Terry R. Hackworth k5hp at ionet.net
Mon Feb 22 14:38:36 EST 1999

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1999

      Call: K5HP                      Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator Low Power,


      160        5       15     3.0         5        Double Bazooka    75'
       80       16       48     3.0       14        Double Bazooka    65'
       40      114      342   3.0       47        XM240, 2 ele         80'
       20      109      327   3.0       51        \
       15      174      522   3.0       58         CL-33 Tri Band    85'
       10      213      639   3.0       64        /

     Totals    631     1893   3.0      239  =   452,427

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:


Friday night bands a little noisy and spent to much time on 20 before QSY to
40.  Saturday a little better but Sunday before day break was fascinating.
Polar flutter made things interesting and fun.  10 meters slowly built to a
great level and many very strong EU (and others)  stations.  I'm constantly
amazed by the tremendous operators out there.  Their scores are fantastic.
Thanks to those stations willing to listen to my modest signal.  Good

Terry R. Hackworth
Piedmont, OK, USA
k5hp at ionet.net

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