[3830] W0JOE IARU SOAB Mixed LP

Joe w0joe at tabby.cooldude.com
Sun Jul 11 21:55:50 EDT 1999

                    IARU HF Championship -- 1999

      Call: W0JOE                    Country:  United States
                                     Category: Single Operator


      160        0        0     0.00      0      0
       80        0        0     0.00      0      0
       40        0        0     0.00      0      0
       20       19       77     4.05      6      0
       15       29       93     3.21     12     11
       10        3       11     3.67      3      0

     Totals     51      181     3.55     21     11

                 Score: 5,792 points

Equipment Description:

Alinco DX70TH
80 Meter Windom at 35ft 
AT-230 Tuner
J38 or Computer Keying

Club Affiliation: None

Location: SouthWest Missouri

Notes:  Enjoyed making a few contacts in the IARU.  Would like to make a
serious effort sometime.  Mostly did CW with either the J38 or the
computer.  Finally got R1MV(A) on 15 meters, and snagged W1AW/9 on 10
meters.  Good ears guys!

Nice sigs from K7NV, KQ2M, K6AW, K5MA, K6CTA, NR6R, KB1EAX, WC1M, and K5ZD
stateside.  Hope you guys had good runs!  

73 - W0JOE

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