[3830] K5TR IARU SO SSB Only

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Sun Jul 11 21:27:00 EDT 1999

                               IARU SUMMARY SHEET

    Callsign Used : K5TR
     Station Used : W5KFT - Ranch
         Catagory : Single Op SSB Only

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

  160SSB       9           9         21       1         6
   80SSB      30          30         92       3        11
   40SSB      69          69        227      10        19
   20SSB    1002         972       3964      26        47
   15SSB     739         722       2866      21        39
   10SSB     258         253        765       6        20

 Totals     2107        2055       7935      67       142

    Final Score = 1,658,415 points.

A big thinks to W5KFT for letting me use the station again
for this contest.  My socre is about 300K better than my
score from last year and my best score so far in the IARU.

The contest was fun - nice to have 20 and 15 open all night 
for a change.  I worked the second radio hard and ended up 
with 200-250 second radio QSOs and over 400 band changes.

I found that I was limited by lack of new folks to work on
the second band.  This was really true in the case of 40m/80m/160m 
where there seems to be very little activity on SSB.

Now for all the numbers.........

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    30    17    12    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      6    15    23   297   236   164     0     0     0    741
  VE calls    =      1     5     6    35    21     2     0     0     0     70
  N.A. calls  =      2     4     6    22    19    12     0     0     0     65
  S.A. calls  =      0     5     3    18    18    50     0     0     0     94
  Euro calls  =      0     0    15   407   302     4     0     0     0    728
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     0    14     9     1     0     0     0     24
  Asia calls  =      0     0     0    49    30     0     0     0     0     79
  JA calls    =      0     0     4    90    70     5     0     0     0    169
  Ocen calls  =      0     1    12    40    17    15     0     0     0     85

  Total calls =      9    30    69   972   722   253     0     0     0   2055


HR    160     80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT CUM TOTAL  SCORE
--   -----  ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ---------  -----
12    ---     ---      ---     91/20    36/18     ---   127/38   127/38   0.02M
13    ---     ---      ---     23/6     60/7     14/5    97/18   224/56   0.05M
14    ---     ---      ---     14/3     81/9      4/2    99/14   323/70   0.08M
15    ---     ---      ---      ---     99/8     14/2   113/10   436/80   0.13M
16    ---     ---      ---      ---     62/3     71/9   133/12   569/92   0.19M
17    ---     ---      ---      ---     82/2     36/2   118/4    687/96   0.24M
18    ---     ---      ---      ---     36/2     63/0    99/2    786/98   0.27M
19    ---     ---      ---      5/4     63/1      2/0    70/5    856/103  0.31M
20    ---     ---      ---      ---     48/2      8/0    56/2    912/105  0.34M
21    ---     ---      ---      ---     53/2     21/2    74/4    986/109  0.39M
22    ---     ---      ---     22/6     43/1      3/0    68/7   1054/116  0.45M
23    ---     ---      ---      1/0     43/2     17/4    61/6   1115/122  0.50M
 0    ---     ---      ---     87/11     7/0      ---    94/11  1209/133  0.60M
 1    ---     ---      6/5    107/3      1/1      ---   114/9   1323/142  0.70M
 2    ---     6/4      3/3     91/3      ---      ---   100/10  1423/152  0.80M
 3    ---     1/0      5/1     80/5      ---      ---    86/6   1509/158  0.89M
 4    ---     ---      5/4     55/0      4/0      ---    64/4   1573/162  0.95M
 5    ---     ---      1/1     77/4      3/2      ---    81/7   1654/169  1.04M
 6    ---     ---      3/2    135/3      ---      ---   138/5   1792/174  1.19M
 7    3/2    13/5     13/5     29/1      ---      ---    58/13  1850/187  1.32M
 8    4/3     1/0      5/2     61/2      ---      ---    71/7   1921/194  1.43M
 9    2/2     6/5     22/4     30/1      ---      ---    60/12  1981/206  1.56M
10    ---     3/0      1/0     30/1      ---      ---    34/1   2015/207  1.60M
11    ---     ---      5/2     34/0      1/0      ---    40/2   2055/209  1.66M

D1   0/0     0/0      0/0    156/39   706/57   253/26           1115/122
D2   9/7    30/14    69/29   816/34    16/3      0/0             940/87

TO   9/7    30/14    69/29   972/73   722/60   253/26           2055/209


George Fremin III                 
Johnson City, Texas             "Experiment trumps theory." 
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)                            -- Dave Leeson W6NL
geoiii at kkn.net                             

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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