[3830] KU8E - IARU

Jeff Clarke KU8E at email.msn.com
Tue Jul 13 01:04:09 EDT 1999

                           1999 IARU HF CHAMPIONSHIP

     Call used: KU8E                                           Location: 08

     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: MIXED           Power: KW

     Callsign of Operator: KU8E

     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:


     Exchanged Information: KU8E RST 08

     Hours of Operation: 10:00

              CW           CW     SSB     SSB    band
     band   QSOs     pts    QSOs     pts   mults

     160       0            0           1            1         1
      80      25          47        22           42      12
      40     112      248           6             6      21
      20     117      425         51         185     34
      15     124      434         25           85     38
      10      20         62           0              0       6

     TOTAL   398    1216     105       0    112                       503 QSO's /
112 mults  =     SCORE: 171,920

     Club or Team Name: Mad River

    Radio : Kenwood TS850 . L4B

   Antennas :  160 -none   80/40 - center-fed zepp @ 45 ft   20  - dipole @ 30 ft
 15 - dipole @ 30 ft .
                        10 - dipole @ 30 ft.

     Comments:   Part time effort here and mostly S&P giving out points. Thanks to
who came out to help me put up the 20/15/10 dipoles up in the trees on Friday night.
sure were a big improvement over the center fed zepp on the higher bands. Hopefully
will get a chance to put up a beam this summer for the fall contest season.  That
will depend
on us finding some free time which is hard with a new little one at home !!

                                       Jeff KU8E

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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