[3830] K6AW IARU 99 SOHP CW Only

Stephen Merchant merchant at garlic.com
Tue Jul 13 00:48:14 EDT 1999

Operating from K6KM's super station at Yankee Hill, 2200' above Oroville.

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

   80CW       17          17         31           3         4    Inv. Vee
   40CW      311         311       1089      11        22    3 el F12
   20CW      531         523       2279      16        36    5 el F12
   15CW      719         705       3045      23        27    5 el F12
   10CW        45          45         177        4        11    8 el F12

 Totals     1623        1601       6621      57       100

    Final Score = 1039497 points.

Time On:  21h:45m

Stuff:  FT1000MP (2), Alpha 87A (2), TRLog

Club:   NCCC

Soap:  This was a great chance to shake down the station and two new
antennas.  Bill went to 4M1X and invited me to come up to use his station.
Thanks to him and to his xyl Ginny, N6RER, who was my hostess and who kept
me well-fed throughout.

Congrats to N6RT, N6TR (is that an anagram?), K6LL, N2IC and the others out
here in the West who did a fine job in spite of our usual crummy summertime

Thanks for the Q's --

73, Steve K6AW

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