[3830] N4AO - IARU CW HP

Jeff WC4E wc4e at innet.com
Tue Jul 13 00:30:43 EDT 1999

                 IARU HF Championship -- 1999

      Call: N4AO (WC4E)
      Country:  United States, FL
      Category: Single Operator, CW only, High Power
      About 22 hours operation

      160       28       80     2.86      5      2
       80       33       93     2.82      8      5
       40      335     1341     4.00     21     13
       20      823     3653     4.44     33     17
       15      671     2885     4.30     31     23
       10       13       49     3.77      5      2
     Totals   1903     8101     4.26    103     62

                            Score: 1,336,665 points

                       Continent Statistics
                    160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent
North America   CW   27   30  145  204  193    5  604    31.0
South America   CW    1    3    4    3    7    8   26     1.3
Europe          CW    0    1  175  481  392    0 1049    53.9
Asia            CW    0    0   12  145   95    0  252    12.9
Africa          CW    0    0    0    3    2    0    5     0.3
Oceania         CW    0    0    3    5    2    0   10     0.5

Tried something different this time. N4AO seems to be an easier to copy
call and at first thought, it played better than WC4E.

Several equipment failures got me this time. Luckly no T-Storms knocked
me off but caused the usual heavy noise on the low bands. 

Lots of fun!

73, Jeff WC4E

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