[3830] HA5BSW SUM for 1999 IOTA test 24/MIX

Tibor Kiss ha5bsw at elender.hu
Sun Jul 25 14:11:38 EDT 1999

IOTA - Contest Summary Sheet - Year: 1999      IOTA Ref: __________

Callsign:  HA5BSW                     Total Claimed Score    880596

Indicate Section.

IOTA Island       IOTA Island       IOTA Island         World
 Permanent: __    DXpedition: __    100w Dxped: __    Single Op: _X_

  Indicate Period:   24 Hour: _X_       12 Hour: __

    Indicate Mode:     Mixed: _X_            CW: __          SSB: __

Indicate Category:  Multi-Op: __     Single Op: _X_

     BAND             80m     40m     20m     15m     10m     Total

     Valid QSOs SSB    13      13     161      28       6       221
     Valid QSOs CW     30      64     192      92       9       387
     Total QSOs        43      77     353     120      15       608

     QSO Points       321     519    2883     972     117      4812

     Multipliers SSB    6       6      62      19       4        97
     Multipliers CW    10       9      46      20       1        86
     Total Mults       16      15     108      39       5       183

TX/RX     KENWOOD   TS 450 SAT Power 100W

Antennas  160/80/40/30  17m long Vertical coil loded home made
                20/15/10   KT 34A up 27 meter

Comments   It is a very good contest...I have much noise on 15 meter..I  can
not working properley..

Name      TIBOR KISS                        Callsign  HA5BSW
Address   H-1155 BUDAPEST
          MOZDONYVEZETO UT 2 /4/15

I hope we are meeting again a next contest!
73 de Tibor.

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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