[3830] AD1C NAQP RTTY results

Jim Reisert AD1C jjreisert at alum.mit.edu
Sun Jul 25 12:25:18 EDT 1999

About 6 hours of operation.  Had trouble staying focused, had to leave on a 
last-minute business trip Sunday morning, so spent parts of Saturday doing 
the stuff I was going to do on Sunday.  Nice to be part of a team, kept me 
going even when I didn't want to.  Goal was to pick up some new states on 
RTTY, got WI and UT.

1999 North American QSO Party

CALL USED___AD1C____________

                              80      20 17
                              40      41 26
                              20      70 35
                              15      41 18
                              10      2
                                TOTAL 174 96

   174   QSOs  *   x       96  DXCC Countries =   16704     Claimed Score

TEAM NAME__Yankee Clippers______________________________

Equipment:  Icom 756 and G5RV about 30' high
Software:  WriteLog 9.23 with SoundBlaster (FSK)
"I have observed all competition rules for fair and ethical operation
as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My
report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. "

Multiplier Summary

80 Meters
MA   ME   NH   VT   MD   FL   GA   NC   SC   TN   VA   AR   LA
MI   OH   WV   WI


40 Meters
MA   ME   VT   NJ   MD   AL   FL   GA   KY   NC   TN   VA   AR
LA   AZ   MI   OH   WV   IL   IN   WI   KS   MO   ON   AB

I     KG4   LU    S5

20 Meters
MA   MD   AL   FL   GA   KY   NC   SC   TN   VA   AR   LA   OK
TX   CA   HI   AZ   ID   OR   UT   WA   MI   OH   WV   IL   CO
IA   KS   MN   MO   NE   SK   AB   BC

9A    DL    EU    GM    I     KG4   LU    OH    ON    SM    UN    UR    YL

15 Meters
MA   FL   GA   KY   TN   OK   TX   CA   HI   AZ   OR   WA   OH
IL   IA   AB   BC

CX    EA8   HA    I     KG4   OH    OK    ON    P4    PY    S5    UA    UN
UR    YL

Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>      http://jjr.ne.mediaone.net/

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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