[3830] 1999 IOTA VD7D NA-118

Terry Mitchell terry at qcislands.net
Tue Jul 27 19:33:19 EDT 1999

IOTA - Contest Summary Sheet - Year: 1999      IOTA Ref:NA-118

Callsign:  VD7D                       Total Claimed Score   1101408

Indicate Section.

IOTA Island
DXpedition: X      24 Hour:Mixed   Multi-Op

     BAND             80m     40m     20m     15m     10m     Total

     Valid QSOs SSB    12       6     836      95       4       953
     Valid QSOs CW      5      18     150       7       3       183
     Total QSOs        17      24     986     102       7      1136

     QSO Points       219     276    6042     750     105      7392

     Multipliers SSB    7       5      63      28       3       106
     Multipliers CW     5      11      18       6       3        43
     Total Mults       12      16      81      34       6       149

Island name and/or station location: Dundas Island, BC, CANADA

TX/RX      2 x FT1000MP, Alpha 374, FL2000DX,
Power o/p  1kw

Antennas   TH-3+AEA-50ft, EXP-14+AEA-30ft, R-7000, wires


Comments: It took 7 hours by boat to get to the island and we operated from
'very rustic' clam shacks. The bugs were terrible and the howling from the
wolves kept us awake all night. VE7QCR was afraid to fuel the gensets in the
dark because the first morning when he went down the trail, 2 big wolves
stared him down. During the contest band conditions were not spectacular.
20m shut down in the afternoon and 15m never opened up to Asia at all. The
biggest surprise was a 1 hour opening to Europe on 15m at around 0300utc.
That was probably the biggest pileup (of our own) we heard during the
contest. It was an exhausting effort and all I seem to remember was
packing/unpacking gear and loading/unloading the boat. Dundas Island is a
beautiful spot (no facilities) but we were all too busy to wander more than
100 yards from our clam shack.

I declare that this station was operated strictly in accordance with
the rules and spirit of the contest and within the conditions of my
licence.  My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.
I agree that the decision of the contest organisers shall be final
in all cases of dispute.  I agree to the data from this entry being
analysed and cross-checked by computer.

Signed    Terry Mitchell, VE7TLL   Date  July 25, 1999

Name      QCIARC                        Callsign  VD7D
Address   BOX 9
          CANADA, V0T1Y0

Terry, VE7TLL, back home on NA051 'the Misty Isles+ACI-

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