Andrew Faber
Mon, 31 May 1999 05:29:19 -0700
Wow, what a contest! I had committed to 1M points to help out the NCCC
(which was twice my highest previous total in wpx cw), and ended up with
that by breakfast on Saturday (OK, well, breakfast was at 10:30, and I only
slept for two hours). What could be more fun than running Eu at 1 am
Saturday morning local time on 20, then running JA at 1:30??
The one-point rule was a great success. Now when a W/K calls in the
middle of a DX run, at least the QSO counts for credit for both sides.
Preliminary totals: 1857 qso's, 670 prefixes = 3,197,910 points
Rig: Ts950SDX, Ten-Tec Titan, Force 12 3 elements on 10/15/20; 2 on 40.
73, Andy, AE6Y
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