[3830] KL7RA WPXCW99 SOABHi + notes
Mon, 31 May 1999 05:07:56 -0800
Callsign Used : KL7RA
Category : SO AB HIGH
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Prefixes
80CW 4 4 18 1
40CW 93 93 464 16
20CW 441 441 1174 158
15CW 1615 1615 4102 564
10CW 25 25 72 5
Totals 2178 2178 5830 744
Final Score = 4337520 points.
Station: Icom 781's in SO2R with AlphaPower
As 15 was open all night to Europe didn't spend the time
fighting the CW "boinking" on the low bands. The 40 meter
signals had a bongo drum beat which was neat for awhile, but
the echo of each letter was too much work to copy even with
double points. I guess that's why we get double points as
I was hearing everything twice. Checked 160 for any strange
Canadian calls. Didn't have any luck, which is okay as no one
can hear me on topband anyway being in daylight this time of
year. I was hoping for some good ten meter US runs, but didn't
happen. Why is it I can hear HC8N s-9+ on ten and not another
signal? What is it about that strange island that they can
propagate RF to the arctic on a dead 28 Mhz band when no one
else can? Maybe it's all that turtle soup they eat. I need to
get some of that stuff!
73 Rich KL7RA
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