[3830] CQWW SSB KC1XX Multi-Multi

Dave Pascoe KM3T km3t at contesting.com
Mon Nov 1 12:16:56 EST 1999

Story to follow on cq-contest reflector.

Call: KC1XX
QTH: Mason, NH, USA
Class: Multi-Multi

Band   QSOs   Zones  Countries   Main Op(s)
160    201      16      36       Charlie N1RR   
 80    710      25     103       John W1FV
 40    753      31     120       Lars DL7ALM,Jim AD1C
 20   2759      40     185       Stu KC1F,Ken K1EA,Bill K1GQ
 15   3290      40     170       Dave KM3T
 10   2671      36     174       Matt KC1XX,Steve K6AW
    10,384     188     788   =   28.125 million
                                 NEW USA CLAIMED RECORD
                                 and top reported M/M score
                                 on 3830

Special thanks to Matt's wife Christine for providing food and moral
support for the crew.  She always outdoes herself.  And also special
thanks to Andy Toth for providing expert tower climbing assistance during
the weeks before the contest - he was instrumental in getting the new 80m
monster array up.  I was happy to be his assistant up on the tower at
300'!  He really knows his stuff.  And, of course, to Matt...for having
the drive and determination to build a world-class multi-multi station -
no small undertaking.  He keeps the rest of us on our toes.


160: 1/4-wave elevated feed vertical w/raised resonant radials
 80: 2/2el quads (NE/SW switchable) at 300'/150' (BIP/BOP) W1FV design
 80: Delta loops (NE/SW and NW/SE) tops at 200'
160/80/40 rx: 4 two-wire Beverages (580') covering N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW
 40: 4el yagi @ 130' (K3LR OWA design) + 2el yagi @ 200'
 20: 4/4/4/4el Cushcraft yagis w/top @ 200'
 20: 4/4el @ 45'/90' fixed south
 20: 3el on Africa @ 60'
 20: 6el rotary M2 60' boom yagi @ 90'
 15: 4/4/4/4/4/4el Cushcraft yagis w/top @ 200'
 15: 4/4el fixed south
 15: 4el W2PV yagi @ 90'
 15: 6el M2 yagi @ 90' for JA
 15mult: 4el rotary yagi on remote tower @ 70'
 10: 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4el Cushcraft yagis w/top @ 200'
 10: 5el W2PV yagi @ 90'
 10: 4el rotary yagi @ 200'
 10: 8el long boom yagi @ 35' fixed on EU
 10mult: 4el rotary yagi on remote tower @ 70'

160: Yaesu FT-1000D  + Alpha 77
 80: Yaesu FT-1000MP + Ameritron AL-1200
 40: Yaesu FT-1000MP + Ameritron AL-1200
 20: Icom IC-781     + Ameritron AL-1200
 15: Icom IC-781     + Ameritron AL-1200
 10: Icom IC-781     + Ameritron AL-1200

Breakdown sheet and continent data follows:


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0    29/12    27/19    31/31   201/97   109/56    16/17  413/232  413/232
   1    14/3     24/19    49/22   126/27   114/6      1/0    328/77  741/309
   2    19/4     60/17    19/6     83/10    11/1       .     192/38  933/347
   3     8/1     45/13    20/8     68/12     1/0       .     142/34 1075/381
   4     7/1     47/7     36/16    51/9       .        .     141/33 1216/414
   5     7/4     34/8     35/9     50/8       .        .     126/29 1342/443
   6    26/7     28/4     43/6     43/1       .        .     140/18 1482/461
   7     7/1     27/4     31/7     62/4       .        .     127/16 1609/477
   8     4/3      9/3     19/7     14/4      1/0     .....    47/17 1656/494
   9     3/1     13/3     16/3     16/6       .       1/0     49/13 1705/507
  10     1/2      4/2      5/3    120/2     65/29     8/0    203/38 1908/545
  11      .       3/0      9/1     81/3    239/30    97/43   429/77 2337/622
  12      .       6/0      1/1     56/1    243/14   134/19   440/35 2777/657
  13      .       1/0       .      61/2    146/3    152/32   360/37 3137/694
  14      .       3/0       .      32/3    140/12   171/27   346/42 3483/736
  15      .       2/0      7/1     31/2    142/10   157/16   339/29 3822/765
  16    .....     1/0      1/0     51/2    158/3    165/5    376/10 4198/775
  17      .       1/0       .      69/2    148/4    169/2    387/8  4585/783
  18      .       3/0       .      68/7    120/7    119/6    310/20 4895/803
  19      .       6/0      6/0    149/1    116/1     91/3    368/5  5263/808
  20      .      10/0      4/0     99/3     71/4     37/8    221/15 5484/823
  21      .       4/2      8/0    116/0    126/4     55/1    309/7  5793/830
  22     4/0     10/3     52/4     73/3    102/1     38/8    279/19 6072/849
  23     8/1     22/4     64/6     51/1    112/3     18/3    275/18 6347/867
   0     8/2     36/2     38/2     28/2     44/1      1/0    155/9  6502/876
   1     7/0     40/0     28/1     33/3     13/2       .     121/6  6623/882
   2     9/1     20/1     16/2     28/1     14/2       .      87/7  6710/889
   3     9/0     25/3     23/1     20/3      2/0       .      79/7  6789/896
   4     8/0     21/1      5/1     34/2       .        .      68/4  6857/900
   5     5/3     46/3     38/1     21/0       .        .     110/7  6967/907
   6     7/0     52/1     26/1     11/0       .        .      96/2  7063/909
   7     1/2     12/0     27/0     25/0       .        .      65/2  7128/911
   8    .....    11/2     22/0     11/0     .....    .....    44/2  7172/913
   9     1/2      2/1      8/2      9/0       .        .      20/5  7192/918
  10     4/0     10/2      6/1     84/0     22/0      4/0    130/3  7322/921
  11     4/0      2/2      4/4     71/0    109/0    137/0    327/6  7649/927
  12      .        .       2/0     29/0     92/3    195/2    318/5  7967/932
  13      .        .        .      32/0     98/1    168/1    298/2  8265/934
  14      .       1/0       .      41/0     93/0    160/2    295/2  8560/936
  15      .        .        .      23/0     85/3    123/1    231/4  8791/940
  16    .....    .....    .....    40/0    121/1    118/4    279/5  9070/945
  17      .        .        .      45/2     84/1     76/1    205/4  9275/949
  18      .       2/0      3/0     52/0     67/3     73/2    197/5  9472/954
  19      .        .        .     129/0     80/2     76/0    285/2  9757/956
  20      .       6/0      2/0     70/0     63/0     31/1    172/1  9929/957
  21      .       5/0      6/0     68/1     48/1     33/2    160/4 10089/961
  22      .       4/0     10/2     53/0     30/1     31/1    128/4 10217/965
  23     1/2     25/2     33/2     31/1     61/1     16/3    167/1110384/976
DAY1   137/40  390/108  456/131 1771/210 2164/188 1429/190    ..... 6347/867
DAY2    64/12   320/20   297/20   988/15  1126/22  1242/20      .   4037/109
TOT    201/52  710/128  753/151 2759/225 3290/210 2671/210      .  10384/976

BREAKDOWN in mins/QSO's per hr  KC1XX  CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  Multi Multi

HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT   CUM TOT 

   0    4/426    3/540    4/461   30/404   17/393    2/389   60/413   60/413
   1    3/264    2/576   11/270   25/300   18/370    0/514   60/326  120/369
   2    8/141   19/188    5/214   24/205    3/224     .      60/192  180/310
   3    2/209   16/166   13/94    29/142    0/450     .      60/142  240/268
   4    1/371   21/134   15/144   23/136     .        .      60/142  300/243
   5    1/319   17/117   13/161   28/106     .        .      60/126  360/224
   6   13/123   13/129   19/133   15/175     .        .      60/140  420/212
   7    4/112   11/149   19/98    27/138     .        .      60/126  481/201
   8    2/114   12/44    30/39    16/53     0/120   .....    60/47   541/184
   9    2/107   16/48    26/37    15/62      .       0/212   59/49   600/170
  10    0/240    3/89     1/321   40/181   15/263    2/282   60/202  660/173
  11     .      0/1543   0/1200   11/458   38/379   11/541   60/431  720/195
  12     .       1/415    0/277    7/493   37/389   15/552   60/440  780/214
  13     .      0/1200     .       8/456   25/355   27/335   60/360  840/224
  14     .       0/900     .       5/389   27/309   28/371   60/346  900/232
  15     .       0/313    1/450    6/321   25/337   28/341   60/339  960/239
  16   .....     0/124    0/900    9/351   26/361   24/405   60/376 1020/247
  17     .      0/1800     .      10/427   24/368   26/383   60/385 1080/255
  18     .       1/270     .      13/320   24/306   23/315   60/312 1140/258
  19     .       1/313    1/284   27/336   18/381   13/417   60/366 1200/263
  20     .       2/310    1/300   30/196   18/233    8/265   60/222 1260/261
  21     .       0/480    1/389   22/316   27/281   10/344   60/308 1320/263
  22    1/320    1/429   10/320   15/289   24/255    9/266   60/281 1380/264
  23    1/450    5/250   12/308   12/262   26/260    4/291   60/275 1440/264
   0    3/167   14/157   16/145   13/131   14/189    1/61    60/155 1500/260
   1    3/121   19/128   20/83    12/163    6/134     .      60/120 1560/255
   2    6/90    13/93    14/71    19/90     9/97      .      60/87  1620/248
   3    6/84    21/71    14/100   19/62     3/46      .      63/75  1683/242
   4    3/150   22/57     6/50    26/77      .        .      57/71  1741/236
   5    4/71    22/127   20/117   14/92      .        .      59/111 1800/232
   6    3/165   31/99    15/106   12/56      .        .      61/95  1861/228
   7    2/32    11/68    27/60    20/74      .        .      60/65  1920/223
   8   .....    15/44    27/49    18/37    .....    .....    60/44  1980/217
   9    3/18    10/12    21/23    15/36      .        .      49/24  2029/213
  10    2/109    8/77     1/273   42/121    5/272    1/225   59/133 2088/210
  11    0/576    0/424    1/343   14/311   18/357   27/309   60/327 2148/214
  12     .        .       0/800    5/317   16/351   39/303   60/318 2208/216
  13     .        .        .       4/445   21/284   35/288   60/298 2268/219
  14     .       0/720     .       9/287   16/357   36/269   60/295 2328/221
  15     .        .        .       4/317   23/219   32/228   60/231 2388/221
  16   .....    .....    .....     8/308   25/285   27/265   60/279 2448/222
  17     .        .        .      15/185   26/190   19/236   60/204 2508/222
  18     .       0/257    1/208   15/202   18/221   25/177   60/198 2568/221
  19     .        .        .      29/271   16/291   15/303   60/285 2628/223
  20     .       1/338    2/62    22/194   26/147   10/189   60/171 2688/222
  21     .       2/125    2/150   28/144   15/192   11/173   60/161 2748/220
  22     .       3/80     4/161   25/127   11/165   18/106   60/128 2808/218
  23    0/164    4/335   14/141   13/146   23/159    5/188   60/168 2868/217
DAY1  0.7/194  2.5/159  3.0/150  7.4/239  6.6/330  3.8/374   .....  24.0/264
DAY2  0.6/104  3.3/98   3.4/88   6.7/148  4.8/232  5.0/248     .    23.8/170
TOT   1.3/152  5.7/124  6.4/117 14.1/196 11.4/289  8.8/303     .    47.8/217

BREAKDOWN in kilo-points by hr  KC1XX  CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  Multi Multi

HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT   CUM TOT 

   0    258      402      620     2045     1301      390     5018     5018  
   1     62      350      415      638      259        1     1725     6743  
   2     81      334      142      253       26       .       835     7579  
   3     19      267      142      271        1       .       700     8279  
   4     22      182      325      206       .        .       734     9013  
   5     64      172      221      180       .        .       638     9651  
   6    156      111      177       75       .        .       519    10170  
   7     18      114      171      160       .        .       463    10633  
   8     62       67      156       75        0     .....     360    10994  
   9     16       67       80      136       .         1      301    11294  
  10     45       47       50      204      569        0      915    12209  
  11     .         2       27      157      821      904     1912    14121  
  12     .         5       16       89      569      499     1178    15298  
  13     .         1       .       117      254      752     1124    16422  
  14     .         3       .        67      384      691     1145    17567  
  15     .         2       19       76      373      465      935    18502  
  16   .....       1        1       95      281      305      683    19185  
  17     .         0       .       124      282      264      670    19855  
  18     .         2       .       207      287      242      737    20592  
  19     .         4        5      220      179      167      576    21168  
  20     .        10        4      177      157      179      527    21694  
  21     .        48       12      163      236       82      542    22236  
  22      0       70      146      136      156      193      702    22939  
  23     18       96      195       78      202       66      656    23594  
   0     33       81       96       62       74        1      348    23942  
   1      5       58       55       76       47       .       241    24183  
   2     17       43       52       21       47       .       180    24363  
   3      1       78       48       69        3       .       199    24562  
   4      1       44       19       79       .        .       143    24705  
   5     61      110       70       30       .        .       270    24975  
   6      4       90       52       16       .        .       162    25137  
   7     44       13       39       37       .        .       133    25270  
   8   .....      36       32       16     .....    .....      83    25353  
   9     45       16       40       13       .        .       114    25467  
  10      0       52       36      121       32        6      248    25715  
  11      1       46       77      102      160      199      585    26299  
  12     .        .         2       30      177      314      524    26824  
  13     .        .        .        26      155      259      441    27265  
  14     .         1       .        32      133      263      428    27693  
  15     .        .        .        24      179      191      393    28086  
  16   .....    .....    .....      52      188      226      466    28552  
  17     .        .        .        89      134      117      340    28892  
  18     .         1        2       66      137      133      339    29232  
  19     .        .        .       183      144      105      431    29663  
  20     .         6        2       99       86       58      251    29914  
  21     .         5        6      107       75       72      265    30179  
  22     .         3       42       73       57       59      233    30413  
  23     44       64       77       60       95       81      421    30833  
DAY1    822     2356     2924     5952     6340     5201     .....   23594  
DAY2    255      747      747     1481     1924     2084       .      7239  
TOT    1077     3103     3671     7433     8264     7285       .     30833

                              Continent Statistics
     KC1XX   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi    1 Nov 1999  0000z

                     160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   SSB  186  211  106  441  204  212 1360    12.5
South America   SSB    9   17   34  162  122  178  522     4.8
Europe          SSB    4  487  586 1798 2367 2148 7390    67.8
Asia            SSB    0   11   32  370  687  129 1229    11.3
Africa          SSB    5   11   11   51   41   50  169     1.6
Oceania         SSB    2    9   20   95   55   49  230     2.1

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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