kk7gw at yahoo.com kk7gw at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 1 19:37:38 EST 1999

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - SSB
Call: W7RM
Operator(s): KK7GW
Station: W7RM

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 42

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     54     10      9
   80:    104     19     34
   40:    142     24     66
   20:    261     29     83
   15:    614     34     91
   10:    549     27     80
Total:   1724    143    363  =  2,335,696


Fun!!!! My first ever serious SOAB effort, many thanks to Rush, W7RM, for letting me come and go at it.

Had the inevitable visits from Murphy...no 160 antenna the first night, then the 10m amp relay decided to die Sunday morning, had to go barefoot on 10 during the fantastic EU/AF opening on Sunday.

I probably got my butt kicked in zone 3, but I think I did ok for my first SOAB effort.

Long story coming tonight or tomorrow to CQ-Contest.


David Jones, KK7GW
kk7gw at yahoo.com

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