[3830] v26b raw score

bogus at does.not.exist.com bogus at does.not.exist.com
Mon Nov 8 17:19:42 EST 1999

here is our raw score...1 week after hurricane Jose major antenna damage 
finised rebuilding 2 houre before test  2 40 mete beams destroyed 2x20 meter 
antennas badly damaged 2x15 antennas damaged ug what a toug week before!! tnx 
to n2tk wx0b w2yr n3oc
dl6lau n3bna w3cf w2udt ka2aev k3sw de wt3q
                          q                  z                 c
160                 366               14              41
 80                  837               18              87
 40                1617               32            114
 20                4029               40            165
 15                4311               39            171
 10                4365               37            166
all                15525            180             744 = 36,291,024

our best score yet and still we had fun tnx for all the qso's  73 

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