[3830] K6AW (@K6DB) SS CW SOHP

Stephen Merchant merchant at garlic.com
Wed Nov 10 10:58:46 EST 1999

I went to Ken and Kay Anderson's qth in Pine Grove (ele. 2,650') to try out
their new antennas. They have a very fine bunch of Force 12's (at 89') to which
Ken and I added a couple of wires.

Call:  K6AW (@ K6DB)              Section:  SV
Mode:  CW                         Category: Single Operator

    BAND    Valid QSOs  Mults   Ant

    80CW      103         1     F12 Rotary Dipole; inverted v 55'
    40CW      200         7     F12 2 el; inverted v 50'
    20CW      237         8     F12 5 el
    15CW      315        12     F12 5 el on 60' tower
    10CW      262        51     F12 4 el, 6 el on 40' tower

  Totals     1117        79

     Final Score = 176486 points.

Stuff:  FT1000MP (2), Alpha 89, Alpha 76PA+, TRLog
Club:   Northern California Contest Club

Thanks for K6DB and K6KAY for their gracious hospitality and use of their fine

Thanks for the q's -- see you all in ssb.

73, Steve K6AW

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