[3830] ARRL SS CW VE7QO SO High Power

wbarby at direct.ca wbarby at direct.ca
Wed Nov 10 13:50:06 EST 1999

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - CW
Call: VE7QO
Operator(s): VE7QO
Station: VE7QO

Class: SO High Power
Operating Time (hrs): 17:50

Section: BC

 Band     QSOs
  160:    NIL
   80:     74
   40:     78
   20:    224
   15:    111
   10:    142
Total:    629 x     77  =  96,866


Great contest, good conditons all bands. 10 meters was HOT!
Could not find VI and ND for a clean sweep! My 40 meter antenna
pooped out so used the 80 inverted vee which worked well, thanks to 
the Yaesu FT1000D auto-tuner! Thanks to all for the contacts. Good fun!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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