Price, Mr Jim price at spawar.navy.mil
Wed Nov 10 14:36:30 EST 1999

>From K6ZH in San Diego:

	band      QSOs     points

     160          0          0
      80         80        160
      40        187        374
      20        163        326
      15        262        524
      10        116        232

     TOTAL      808       1616   X   78 multipliers  =  126,048

Missed only KP2 - rats.  I wanted that coffee cup SOOOO bad!!

Entry class:  Single Op Unlimited (running low power which is all I've got)

Equipment:  IC-746; TH-7, 40-2CD, 80 meter inverted vee, all at 60 feet.

Club entry:  for Southern Calif. Contest Club

73 to all and tnx for the points! - Jim

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